Nick Clegg is related to Madame Blavatsky, the founder of theosophy,

May 2, 2010

The Independent of London for April 28, 2010, reports:

More fascinating stuff about the Liberal Democrat leader’s pedigree. On the Russian side, Nick Clegg is related to Madame Blavatsky, the interesting founder of theosophy, who claimed to have psychic powers. One of her followers, for example, claimed to see streams of astral light coming from Madame B’s cuckoo clock, and she once made a teacup materialise when an unexpected guest turned up to a picnic. No doubt such memories explain why Nick has taken to saying when asked about a hung parliament: “I’m Nick Clegg, not Nostradamus.”

“Since this Illuminati project of delivering an “independent India” to the Soviet sphere of influence required top priority, Illuminati operative Helena Blavatsky founded The Theosophical Society in India.”

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