Britain’s open door policy slammed as Slovakian rapist jailed for ‘horrific’ child abuse

“Eduard, of Rotherham, was convicted of four offences last year”


“More than two-thirds of identified Rotherham child sexual exploitation offenders and suspects are white, a new report has said.  New analysis from Public Health Rotherham has looked at the ethnic backgrounds of suspected abusers in the past two years and found some 68 per cent of identified suspects are white.”

Nottingham City Council ‘requires improvement’ in child and social care

“Nottingham City Council is among the local authorities asked to improve in child and social care by Ofsted.”

“Seven local authorities were found to have “common problems” and were deemed “inadequate”, including Rotherham – where decades of alleged abuse is being looked into in a public inquiry, following a scandal last year after information was leaked.”

GW:  The issue is twofold.  Firstly why does the UK Gov allow free entry to those who have a proven criminal record and secondly why did this criminal make a beeline for Rotherham – one of the ptb established centres for child exploitation.  There is a degree of ‘organisation’ in all this.

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