Serco’s outsourcing pathology company, Viapath, overcharged NHS by £Millions “The Independent” 27th August 2014

31 August 2014

“The Independent”  Wednesday 27 August 2014

serco-v2.jpg“Outsourcing giant Serco is embroiled in a fresh misuse of public funds scandal after a company it set up overcharged NHS hospitals millions of pounds, The Independent can reveal.

Internal documents leaked to Corporate Watch indicate Britain’s biggest pathology services provider, Viapath, which was established by Serco in partnership with Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospitals, overcharged the NHS for diagnostic tests.”

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Comment:  “Hard for one mind to follow all the threads, isn’t it ? I put the initial stage as being the end of The Battle of Waterloo when Amshell Nathan Rothschild captured the British stock market with control of the countries finances. Followed in 1913 when Woodrow Wilson signed The Federal Reserve Act, giving Jewish bankers control of that county’s monetary system. When the Rockefeller Foundation donated the site for the United Nations building, it was only to have it on American soil, under American control – no such thing as a free lunch ! It has also been said that Rockefeller a supposed Englishman stemmed from Roggenfelder a German-Jewish name. No confirmation on that, a sleeping dog to be left in peace when there are other fish to fry. You and I seem to be in perfect agreement – so goes life on The Planet of the Congenitally Insane”

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