UK Column News 4 August 2015

UKC 4 august 2015 - Con Gov approves this in schools

UKC 4 August 2015 – Con Gov approves this in schools

This is a Human Experiment being televised and we should object. Maybe write to Ch 4 and complain.

UKC 4 august 2015 - Christians now labelled as 'extremists'

UKC 4 August 2015 – Christians now labelled as ‘extremists’. “Orders” being used to silence free speech. “Our View” is really the ToriCon view.

UKC 4 august 2015 - We are being told lies about 'Austerity'

UKC 4 August 2015 – We are being told a pack of lies about ‘Austerity’

The Tower of Basel: Secretive Plans for the Issuing of a Global Currency

Bank of International Settlements ‘in the frame’ (over laundering the Nazi gold) and UKC Staff saying the trader who was recently jailed for Libor Rigging is just a poor patsy.

Thanks to ‘Positive Money’ for the link.

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