Barrister Henry Hendron 34 who has represented politicians and celebrities arrested over the death of his 18 year old “boyfriend” Miguel Jimenez

“As a 17-year-old schoolboy Mr Hendron was cheered as he addressed the 1998 Tory party conference calling for the reintroduction of corporal punishment.”  Heard all THAT before. Who have we got then?  Ann Widdecombe MPShadow Secretary of State for Health; Peter Lilley MP — Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party; Parkinson PC — Chairman of the Conservative Party; Leader of the Tory Party Willy Hague (hullo Dolphin Square) and stepping down in 2015 to spend more time “gardening” No wonder they cheered when he said ‘corporal punishment’.  OK that’s enough for now.

Hendron also “made a citizens arrest on a would-be bank thief.”  Was it Marcus Agius perchance “paid £47,000 by the BBC for 28 days’ work per year” and of course involved in the LYbor Scandal in 2012.

GovWatch:  Clickety Clickety Click – that’s a 16 year age gap?  If GW thinks about the maturity of the average 18-year-old, hardly old enough to be in a “relationship ” with what would be to them ‘a granddad’.   Not a very equal relationship either granddad.

Hendron referred to Attorney General by judge for contempt of court

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