Important Message From Farm Terrace Action Group

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After the meeting on Monday night, the group decided to again challenge WBC as to the necessity for removing public access from the West Watford Farm Terrace Allotments and giving it over to private housing.  The Council argument is that public access is restricted to allotment holders at the moment.  However the placing of the land in the hands of private landowners, restricts access even further and what’s more in perpetuity.  With the proposed 750 flats nearby, the people in those flats have no access to gardens either.  With a set of allotments within walking distance, the flat dwellers would have somewhere to take the children and they would be able to grow some of their food as well.  A community would spring up around it in much the same way as does within any allotment site.  Non-allotmenters would ask about what happens on allotments, how the seasons work, how many potatoes you get as they are £5 in the shops etc.  The questioner might even try to get one themselves as it all sounds like quite a lot of fun.  GW could go on but


Manny Lewis – The Bureaucrat (sacked by Boris Johnson over the Lee Jasper Row and then hired by WBC) who is sent in by Dorothy Thornhill when she can’t be bothered to attend herself.

Farm Terrace Action Group has the following message for anyone who wishes to write to the Secretary of State about this undemocratic move by WBC to snatch public land.  BTW GW heard that Manny Lewis was extremely arrogant when speaking with the FTAG deputation recently. 

“Those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make arrogant.”

You can all email or write in support of us (or against) and obviously your support would be gratefully received.

Submissions must be in by 6 February 2015

Thank You

Ray Colbourne
Senior Planning Manager – Central Team
National Planning Casework Unit (NPCU)
Department for Communities and Local Government
5 St Philip’s Place
Colmore Row
B3 2PW
Tel: 0303 44 48075
email: or
NPCU main enquiry number is 0303 444 8050

This entry was posted in Allotments, Bloggers Having Their Say, Collective Action, Community Action Watford, Dorothy 'Red Shoes' Thornhill, Election 2015, FibDems, Free Food, FTAG, Getting Away From it All, Green Party Watford, Lightwork, Money Matters, Natural Health, Organic Food, Save Farm Terrace Allotments, Save Farm Terrace Allotments from becoming High Density Housing, The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Truth Movement, Uncategorized, Various Suspicious Operations, Watford Coalition of Resistance, Watford Council, Watford Green Party, What's Happening in Herts and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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