“Mellor And Mitchell” – Who DO They Think They Are?

”I’ve been in the Cabinet”, – Mellors’ Incredible Rant


‘Buffhead’ Mellor QC. Pic DM.

Why yea THAT’S a really good recommendation innit however it doesn’t quite make up for your somewhat uncharismatic and dishevelled appearance you oik.  Fine clothes maketh NOT the man/woman Mr Mellor.

Former minister David Mellor has launched a foul-mouthed rant at a taxi ‘driver in a row over the quickest route home, calling him a ‘smart-a**** little git’ and a ‘sweaty, stupid little s***’.

The millionaire Tory then reeled off his lifetime achievements before telling the man: ‘You think your experiences are anything compared to mine?’

Mr Mellor, who was forced to abandon his ministerial career after an affair in 1992, was secretly recorded berating the cab driver after a visit to Buckingham Palace with his partner Lady Cobham, who had just been awarded a CBE.”   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2848448/I-ve-Cabinet-m-award-winning-broadcaster-m-QC-smart-little-git-David-Mellor-s-incredible-f-word-rant-taxi-driver.html#ixzz3K4TYuWaK


NLAT has this further link for us.  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-30188899

Huff Puff Huff Puff – Yees what is it?  http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/11/25/david-mellor-taxi-driver_n_6218888.html  Goodness Gracious!

Court hears how Plebgate MP Andrew Mitchell ‘had temper tantrums’


Matthew 19:30 – King James Version

“But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.”

GovWatch:  Perhaps Mellor and Mitchell should go on the “Big Rant Road Show.”


18 Nov 2014

Geldof – By Defending Mitchell Is Outed As TPTB’s Bitch


Oct 23 2014

Plebgate MP Andrew Mitchell ‘involved in 16 spats with police before scandal’


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