Germany Puts CETA On Hold And What Are We Doing About TTIP?

KONP Islington

KONP Islington


Smashing Services

“The German government has possibly put the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, (CETA) a TTIP type agreement between the EU and Canada on hold. This has been denied by EU officials, but the agreement has not been signed.

Germany has an agreement with its equivalent of the TUC that endorses the CETA and TTIP but not the Investor States Dispute Settlement (ISDS) that would give corporations the power to override the wishes of elected governments.”

CQC Joins in the ‘Stick the Boot in NHS’ Campaign

David Prior Ex Charterhouse has form in undermining the NHS.

“David Prior ex head of the Conservative Party and now head of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has managed to generate some bad headlines for the NHS.  According to the Daily Mail he has stated that up to 10,000 avoidable deaths occur in the NHS every year.

He also stated (not reported by the Daily Mail) ‘…healthcare is a good that does not readily lend itself to market economics’.

What he actually said was that the CQC estimates that between 3,000 and 10,000 avoidable deaths occur annually.  A more clement environment might have produced a headline ‘Only 3,000 avoidable death in NHS triumph’.

As reported in this newsletter he has form in undermining the NHS, so although the Mail’s article headlines the 10,000 figure, it would seem unlikely that Mr Prior is naïve enough to think that his statements would not generate such headlines.”

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