Notts Warriors – More Bank Fraud

Notts Warriors Bank Fraud

Notts Warriors – Bank Fraud.  “Nice has been planned since 1937″

“To limit the ability of coalitions of large member states to block legislation, it also required that any blocking coalition must consist of at least 4 member states. In other words, the population threshold does not need to be passed when an overwhelming majority of member states (i.e. less than four are opposed) support the legislation. After the Constitutional Treaty was abandoned following rejections in referenda in France and the Netherlands, the voting rule provisions were incorporated into the Lisbon Treaty. However, to appease Poland, which reopened the issue of the voting rule in the negotiations, the application of the new voting rules was postponed until 1 November 2014.”  Cypress was a test case.

We now have

and LeftUnity

Notts Warriors Response

Notts Warriors -The lads at RESPONSE.

and the Lads at RESPONSE and

Beat the Bailiffs and the Banks Facebook

Spanish demonstrators from the 15M movement try to stop an eviction in Malaga.

Published on 3 Sep 2014

“If the powers such as Police, Judiciary etc are all fused together then we are living in tyranny.”  “Criminals taking family homes.”  “We need a Grand Jury now.”

Comment:  “We love you for planting so many seeds in our psy-key”

12 November 2013

Lawyer Exposes Banking Fraud Live on International TV!

25 June 2014

Eviction row at Bradford Community Centre

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