David Cameron On Andrew Marr Being ‘Frankly Clear’ Or ‘Clearly Frank’ Or Perhaps His Friend’s Called Frank

Howdy NLAT.  What a lovely evening.  How about some Lapsang Souchong to help with watching the sun go down?  What have you got there?


How very apt.  What have ‘The Flock’ been saying?  Oh Dear I see.  Must say Camaflake has had a bit of a bad week one way and another but that means the rest of us have had a better one – especially that Brooks Newmark business.  How foolish is that?  Paisley PJs?  Lordy Lordy.  Really gives one the creeps doesn’t it.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2772489/I-complete-fool-admits-Tory-minister-Brooks-Newmark-forced-quit-sending-explicit-photos-Paisley-pyjamas.html


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