Watford Gets Ready For ‘Friight Niight’

Harrington surly crop

“Harrington Surly” – WO

Well it’s actually the continuing debate surrounding the West Watford Wealth Campus or WWW for short.  The WO posted a particularly “interesting” picture of the local Con MP Richard Harrington and this prompted a local to liken him to  Nosferatu.

Well Jeremy Clarkson also noted a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ back in 2010 and quipped “Phil Spector with a little less murdering.”  Times Online ‘Watford Minds the Polling Gap’ by AA Gill.

http://www.watfordobserver.co.uk/news/11499572.Importance_of_the_health_campus_outweighs_the_concerns of_allotment_holders_says_town_s_MP/?action=success#comments

Comment:  “Yes it is important to research. I’m sure you are well-informed that the original power station which was coal-fired appeared in Cardiff Road in the late 1890’s. This was then upgraded to being oil-fired in the 1930’s. This was then demolished in the 1960’s and replaced with a gas-fired power station until that was demolished in the early 1990’s. From about 1900 to 1940 ish a Refuse Destruction Plant was also situated in close proximity to the site of the power station in Cardiff Road. So over a period of time the land will have become contaminated due to the processes involved. Maybe the mayor, the council and the developers won’t mind sharing with us the public the results of surveys detailing the level of contamination on the West Watford Wealth Campus site and what chemicals are in the ground. Wacko if you believe that this is a cheap simple process that will. 100% remove all the contamination I respectfully suggest that you wake up and get in the real world.”

Comment:  “Interesting that Richard says “outweigh the concerns of a few residents”. The Save Farm Terrace Facebook page has nearly 1k likes. The Twitter account has nearly 2200 followers and 622 people have donated to the fighting fund.  That is more concern than just a few residents. I actually find Richard’s comment quite offensive as it puts down any small groups or individuals that are trying to make improvements to their area or town.

No one, including the people of Farm Terrace, have ever denied that a new hospital, campus or whatever plan or name it should be, would not be a benefit. The argument is that Farm Terrace was never on the original plans but the PROFIT is better suited if the allotments are built over.

Obviously the back handers & bonuses play some part in it as well!

If housing is so important to Dorothy & Richard why does there have to be any profit in it at all? Why can’t we just break even? Surely the council tax and the fines of people using the new road will generate income in the long run.

Quite frankly if Richard thinks this is the last part of town that needs attention then he should try walking around a little more.”


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