NHA Checklist For 2015

NHA PartySeptember 23 2014

1. Introduce a temporary tax increase specifically to tackle the immediate NHS funding crisis.

2. Halt NHS privatisation and scrap the internal market, thereby saving over £5 billion currently wasted on these policies and enabling the UK to increase NHS spending to the level of other G7 countries. 

3. Crack down on tax dodging to recoup as much as possible of the estimated £100+ billion of unpaid tax. 

4. Renegotiate PFI deals, costing the NHS a total of over £70 billion and crippling foundation trusts and causing hospital closures.

5. End hospital, A&E and service closures unless there is support from  local people and clinicians and suitable alternatives are already in place.

6. End the freeze on NHS staff pay and ensure all staff and care workers receive at least the living wage.

7. Oppose the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) which threatens the NHS. 


The National Health Action Party (NHA) is a political party in England founded in May 2012 by retired doctor and former MP Richard Taylor and cancer specialist Clive Peedell. The party is campaigning against the privatisation of the English National Health Service;[3][4] for a reversal of the cuts to funding, services and staff that have been forced on the NHS by the Government; and for restoration of the responsibility of the Health Secretary for providing health care, introduced when the NHS was founded in 1948 and removed by the 2012 Act.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Health_Action_Party

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