West Watford Wealth Campus Is Still Being Trumpeted As Being The Answer To All Watford’s Woes Again

“The priority was now on building the new hospital link road in West Watford, the new business zone and then on housing.”  Notice that there is NO actual hospital development but link road, business zone and houses.  FTAG was right all along.

http://www.watfordobserver.co.uk/news/11499560.Health_Campus_mayor_vows_the door_is_not_closed_on_development/?action=success#comments

This development is very unpopular as can be seen from the comments that are mounting by the minute.


UKC 26 Kerslake dept of Communities Common Purpose

UK Column 26 September 2014 – Kerslake  is Common Purpose as is Dorothy Thornhill rumoured to be.

“The first five years have been challenging but the second five years are likely to prove even harder for three reasons.

“Firstly, the

  • easier savings have already been made.
  • Secondly, we are likely to be doing it against a background of a growing economy and greater competition for good staff.
  • Thirdly, the sense of urgency that underpinned the first savings programme will be reduced.”

http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/sep/26/public-sector-cuts-five-more-years-outgoing-civil-service-head-kerslake  Hmmm how much more ‘housing’ will Watford have to find space for it this goes on for another five years?  Dorothy maybe factored this into her exit strategy.


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