UK Column News Summary 24 September 2014

Full Sweat kindly uploaded by We Are Change Edinburgh

Syria air strikes: Parliament could be recalled as David Cameron hints at involvement in Middle East

Don’t let YOUR MP sanction war.  Get that No vote by saying if they want to return in 2015 they better vote No.

ukc 24 sept 2014 Poised for air strikes

UK Column 24 September 2014 – Poised for air strikes.

Crane Report Jihadi John in West Ldn

Crane Report has found Jihadi John is in West London near Pinewood Studios.

Apparently we have not been taking Jihadi John seriously enough asking difficult questions about his dress code and believing that he is actually in a trailer in West London quite close to Pinewood Studios making ‘films’.  So PTB have upped the ante with “Khorasan”.  OOH time to consult that list of homonyms perhaps.  Hmmm sounds like that ole ptb ‘demon spirit’ to me.

ukc 24 sept 2014 Khorasan who is he

UK Column 24 September 2014 – Khorasan – Hmmm very similar to the Illuminati fave one Choronzon?

“Choronzon” is a demon or devil that originated in writing with the 16th-century occultists Edward Kelley and John Dee within the latter’s occult system of Enochian magic.  So is this new “Khorasan” frightening enough for yer folks?  Phewer truly demonic GovWatch

Oh come on nothing like the real one believe me.  Here cop this – “The choronzon demon appears in its natural state as a massive demonic humanoid wreathed in whispery tendrils of eldritch ectoplasm. The creature exhibits four powerful arms ending in scythe-like claws that appear to have hollow claw tips, into which it is said they can siphon off arcane energy. Arcane spell casters find that merely being near one of these demons makes them ill. ”  PTB usually conjure him for a drink in the crypt under House of Commons on Friday nights.

ukc 24 sept 2014 Cameron said Queen Purred

UK Column 24 September 2014 – Cameron said ‘Queen purred with delight’. FFS Cameron!

UK Column have picked up on an organisation called ‘Butterfly Rebels.’

ukc 24 sept 2014 Butterfly Rebs Cams Our Kingdom 1000 points of light etc

UK Column 24 September 2014 – Butterfly Rebels website features lots of ’em. They also picked up on Cameron’s constant use of ‘Our World’. Further they linked up that ‘1000 points of light’.

ukc 24 sept 2014 Butterfly Rebs and Open Democracy and Soros

UK Column 24 September 2014 – Links from BR to Open Democracy which of course points to George Soros.

ukc 24 sept 2014 Butterfly Rebs and Brit Council

UK Column 24 September 2014 digs deeper and finds BR links to the British Council. Well hello Jezza and Ginny.

ukc 24 sept 2014 Butterfly Rebs and Brit Council and Vernon Ellis Globalists

UK Column 24 September 2014 – going further down the Rabbit Hole we find Vernon Ellis another Globalist.  Well how would you be.  Didn’t expect THAT did ya?

ukc 24 sept 2014 Cameron Wealth

UK Column 24 September 2014 – DM reminds UK about Cameron’s tax havens..

ukc 24 sept 2014 Cameron Tax Avoidance

UK Column 24 September 2014 – Cameron’s £24 Mill avoiding tax.

ukc 24 sept 2014 Ebola Doctor says it is manufactured

UK Column 24 September 2014 – Doctor said Ebola is a ‘manufactured’ virus.

Melanie Shaw did appear in court recently but the first she knew was when she was woken at 6am and told to get ready for the ‘wagon’ at 6:30am. Mickey Summers reported that he was excluded from the court after the morning session even though this was supposed to be open to the public. The proceedings were quite peculiar and the UKC team are still investigating what kind of a court they were running that day seeing as Melanie was representing herself yet the solicitors appeared to be still involved.  UKC report that Andrew Selous new prisons minister, is getting quite nervous about questions he is being asked as to whether he has ultimate authority over privately run prisons or not.  Keep up the pressure folks.

ukc 24 sept 2014 Melanie Shaw Facebook

UK Column 24 September 2014 – Melanie Shaw Facebook.

A vigil for Melanie Shaw is being organised on 5 October 2014 outside HMP Peterborough.

More Saul Alinsky

ukc 24 sept 2014 Obama Latte Salute Alinsky Smash Unity

UK Column 24 September 2014 – Obama’s Latte salute for US guards a sign of that Alinsky intention to ‘smash’ the country apart by undermining traditions and moral code..

ukc 24 sept 2014 Milliband also Alinsky

UK Column 24 September 2014 – Milliband also embraces Alinsky.

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