London’s “Cough” Air Quality Award

Morning Mr NLAT.  You’ve been otherwise engaged for a bit?  Oh I see.  Enjoy the Conference then?  Did I see Boris Johnson got an

“international award for London’s air quality EFFORTS”?



Well no not until you pointed it out.  What do Guardian Readers have to say?  Oh.

Comment:  “Unbe-smogging-lievable.”

Comment:  “Unfortunately most of the gas comes out of his mouth!”

Comment:  “Idle Bullingdon oaf gets award for doing nothing,”

Comment: “I like Boris he makes me laugh.”

Comment: “You seem to be fond of dictators and would be dictators. Would you trust a man to be PM who when he was a hack was willing to set up a fellow journalist to be beaten up by one of his loony right wing chums because of something he wrote about him? “

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