Esther McVey Photoshoot

esther-mcvey Liverpool Echo

EMcVey – Liverpool Echo reported her mistimed ‘tweets’

The Liverpool Budgie Tweet Tweet Tweet

A Liverpool man buys a budgie. The Budgie eyes the man and says “I’m a Liverpool Budgie and I’m hard as nails me”

The man shows it to his mate who says to get a kestrel and put it in the cage overnight.
The man covers the cage and goes to bed.

Next morning the kestrel is dead and the budgie says
“I’m a Liverpool Budgie and I’m hard as nails me”

So the man buys a buzzard and puts it in the cage.
Next morning the buzzard is dead and the budgie says
“I’m a Liverpool Budgie and I’m hard as nails me”

“Right,then” says the man, and goes and buys a golden eagle and puts it in the cage.

Next morning the the eagle’s dead and the budgie has no feathers left….

Budgie says ” had to take me coat off for that un!”

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