California Drought Continued by Steering Hurricane Odile on 9 16 2014

The HAARP Report – Ecocide in California Courtesy HAARP

Haarping Hurricane Odile 2

Haarping On Hurricane Odile.

Published on 16 Sep 2014

“Hurricane Odile was turned 45 degrees to the right, away from California, at the last minute, by the Baja HAARP transmitter. This was done to keep all the rain out of California, and it worked. This video shows very good evidence, of a Haarp dry air downburst over Baja, which began to push the tropical storm to the right. To avoid any obvious evidence (like the kind that showed up when Hurricane Norbert was killed over the ocean), they decided to keep the storm over Baja, the whole way, then give it a turn at the last second, to keep the rain out of California. Also, by keeping it over land, it’s strength was reduced, so less time and energy were needed, to control it, when it came into range. This is a new way of hiding the Haarp downburst, which steers, and breaks up these powerful storms. However, there is still enough evidence to prove the turn into Arizona is man made, not natural.

If you watch the Hurricane Norbert series of videos, they put a stationary downburst north of the eye of the hurricane, and this was easily seen over the open ocean. Over land, the downburst is hidden, as shown in this video. It seems that Mother Nature wanted this hurricane to go over the Haarp transmitter, wipe it out, and then go into California, bringing much needed rain. But, the Haarp operators had a different plan.”

There Is A Haarp Facility Off The Baja California peninsula

HAARP Info and Activity

DM Reports UK Yachtee Now Missing

Secret History of HAARP by Douglas Dietrich

“Today, the big Gakona Haarp (not the tiny prototype) has complete control of the jetstream over the northern Pacific, so the dream of the US military has been accomplished.

Douglas Dietrich had a top secret security clearance, and worked for several years, as a classified document librarian at the Presidio Naval Base, destroying top secret documents, in an incinerator. He read, and took notes, before destroying the documents. He has survived several death threats, and is a heroic man, trying to educate the public, about the secrets that are now obliterated from history.”

Tesla HAARP Weather Control History

Hurricane Norbert And HAARP

GovWatch:  Many thanks for that “WeatherWatch”.

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1 Response to California Drought Continued by Steering Hurricane Odile on 9 16 2014

  1. VANESSA says:

    Yeah they’re making excuses and trying to say they’re using it for good. Slowly introduce it to the media so nobody questions who’s controlling the weather. They’re going to start blaming droughts but it’s all bull. Haarp is a new way to war and battle. I can’t believe sheeple be falling for this crap

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