Social Media Begins Job Of ‘Nudging’ UK Electorate Towards The Idea Of Taking Out Medical Insurance


Well just lookie here – What’s this? We still pay National Insurance don’t we? Good ole Social Media eh?  Doing the ConDem Cabal’s work for them.

Afternoon ‘NHS-PrivatisationWatch’ you’re new here.  What have you got there?  Hmmm.  Has NLAT seen it?   Maybe you should just take a seat for a moment.  What was that CamoKhazi said 4 October 2006 again?  OOOOh so long ago.  Just a tick.  Perhaps you would like to share a cup of Russian Caravan while I rummage?  Yes RC does hit the sweet spot at this time of the day.  What about a bit of  Brandied Plum Frangipane Tart to go with it?  Oh course there’s time.  Welcome to our salon.

Cameron Points 2006

Cameron’s Hand Signal to the PTB. Trans ‘Look the Bull****ometer is going mental.’

Ah here it is.  “David Cameron said the NHS is safe in his hands as he brought the annual Con Servative Con Ference to an end.”

NB:  “Pointing the finger away from the body is known in occult circles as “the sign of faith”, while pointing upward is the “sign of preservation”.”

GovWatch:  Just don’t co-operate with the Agenda.

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