The “CamoWelfareSurvey” On Facebook

The CON Servatives Try CON necting With UK Electorate On Social Media

The CamoSurvey 2014

The CamoSurvey – Facebook

GovWatch:  Boy does this little number raise a person’s hackles!  Satire at the ready?  Steady.  Go!

Comment:  “The problem isn’t ‘welfare,’ which in this country has always been known as SOCIAL SECURITY, the problem is you Tories trying to pit us all against each other while screwing us all. There will never be full employment in Britain again, machines and technology have made that impossible. The real problem is that working people’s wages are too low, and are being kept that way deliberately. Think I’m wrong, then try explaining why so many working people have to have their wages topped up with benefits. Did our parents, or their parents need their wages topped up, and bear in mind most of them had only one breadwinner. Back then many mothers stayed at home, yet the family could afford a house, on one wage. : (“

Comment: Stop calling it welfare. No one fares well on it.”

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