NHS 999 March Reaches Trafalgar Square 6 September 2014

NHS 999 March 6 Sept 2014
NHA Party

NHA Party Conference 7 September 2014

at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL All NHA members and official supporters are welcome.

“What a busy weekend ahead for NHS campaigners, with the 999 march for the NHS arriving on Saturday and our AGM & Conference on Sunday!

If you have registered for the AGM you should have received an email confirmation with details of the agenda and a copy of the minutes from 2013. If you haven’t received this by Saturday 12.00, please let us know at contact@nhap.org

We have just had news that Rufus Hound is going to be able to join us on Sunday, so another great reason to come along.

We will be providing tea, coffee and soft drinks on Sunday, but thought it would be fun and a fundraiser, if members would bring along cakes and biscuits (home made would be lovely, if possible!) for us to sell alongside the liquid refreshment.”

Fourman Films –

The People’s March for the NHS – 06 09 14


Comment:  “The most inspirational group of people I have met in a very long time. The dedication and the spirit involved in doing this amazing journey is second to none. Am proud to have shared just a snippet along the way. To the 300-milers I salute you. Respect now and always.”

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