Wendi Deng Said Blair Has Blue Eyes?

Blair Brown Vert Slits

Blair – Brown Eyes with vertical slits for pupils. Blink rate too fast as well – he was aware of the problem.


Blair Not ‘Ole Blue Eyes’ After All


UKC 3 Sept 2014 Blair Philanthropist of Yr

UK Column 3 September 2014 – Blair’s Philanthropist Award ‘rubbished’ by those on Twitter. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/tony-blair/11071780/Tony-Blair-philanthropist-of-year-GQ-award-sparks-Twitter-backlash.html

Comment:  “Absolutely unbelievable. Our nauseating, money grabbing, vacuous ” Middle East Peace Envoy” should be up on War Crimes charges. There are maybe two people on this planet who really do deserve to be beheaded for the trouble and countless deaths they are responsible for and that’s Tony Blair and George Bush because the effing mess in Irag is entirely their doing the conniving lying bastards.
Oh and by the way. I wont be buying or reading GQ ever again.”  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMxXZBYQ8_E

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