Excellent New MH17 Analysis From UK Column News 25th July 2014

Patrick Henningsen analyses information from official Russian satellite sources and says that the original audio tapes of rebels saying they shot down a passenger craft have been edited together and that some of the material has a pre 17 July signature.  Further he questions the MSM report that the rebels had the missile systems in the area.  He says if anybody it was the Ukraine Government that had these teams in the region.


Local witnesses tell reporters that the passenger jet was shot by military aircraft following the plane.



“Ukraine Jets” – Picture courtesy The Slog.

The Slog – German experts point finger at Ukrainian air-force jets.


AAnGirfan has some further information Re MH17 as well. http://aanirfan.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/mh17-holland-jews-and-child-abuse.html  All in all, the official explanation is turning out to be pure bullcrap.


The untold story of flight MH17


Australian Blogger takes aim at ptb and msm.

Comment: “370 went to Diago Garcia . Remotely taken over by China and USA joint space tech for long distance flight (used in space travel) which is apparently a piece of HARDWARE they have added to that flight , and can to any other flight with help from Boeing no doubt . . . don’t forget the fact passengers of mh17 may have actually boarded a different flight MRC not MRD as seen in the Dutch passenger’s selfie. I’m ready for the fight Australia WILL NOT be pulled into another war ! Times a changing Puppatitions “

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