“Australia Malaysia SERCO And China As Nervous As Long Tailed Cats In A Room Full Of Rocking Chairs” – AD

Angus Houston

Angus Houston speaks at a departure ceremony for the victims of the crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 to the Netherlands during a departure ceremony in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Photo: Getty

Angus Houston has been given the job of taking delivery of the Australian casualities from MH17.  “Please explain why there were two populations of dead corposes in the one drone.”  Abel Danger.

Air India flight was 90 seconds away when a missile struck Malaysia Airlines ‘Flight MH17′” and heard ground control ask MH17 to change flight path minutes before it was shot down.  http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Air-India-flight-was-90-seconds-away-when-missile-struck-Malaysia-Airlines-Flight-MH17/articleshow/38702536.cms

Internet Sleuth: “When so much is “known” about what went on so soon after any event, a false flag is virtually guranteed. With Russia already being blamed in the MSM, I suggest people consider a different culprit.”

July 22 2014

Smoking Gun - Jim Stone

Smoking Gun – Jim Stone

“Internet sleuth, who spent many hours comparing photos of the wreckage to photos of MH370 and MH17, found the SMOKING GUN”

“Hi Jim,

Following your articles on the Flag and sealed up window, seems a lot of photoshopping is in progress regarding 370, 17 etc.

But this little gem turned up in an Australian edition of ‘The Age’ newspaper. Think you might like it.

Notice they cut out the flag in this picture.” http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/

 Abel Danger 7-25-2014 Serco Offender’s Game to Spot-Fix Tags


Lack of blood surrounding the victim body on the road.  Jim Stone – https://news.vice.com/video/exclusive-footage-of-mh17-aftermath-russian-roulette-dispatch-60

“Many news sites picked this 108 number up, and this ONE THING, which was a HUGE LIE, proves that there were NO REGULARLY SCHEDULED PASSENGERS ON FLIGHT MH17. The redactions of the 108 aids conference delegates proves the entire list false, if you drop the number 108 down to six, who were the other 102? The mainstream media is hiccuping and backtracking and tripping all over itself trying to plug holes in their story and praying for short memories and impressionable attention deficit minds, please watch the puppet on the left while the “magic” is done elsewhere”

“Hollywood famous Guillermo del Toro directed & wrote the season premiere of “The Strain” which aired on July 13th on FX (Fox owned network) just 4 days before MH-17. In the episode a BOEING jetliner arrives @ JFK from Europe with everyone dead on board, drained of blood & already decomposing” – Jim Stone. http://tvundercover.com/2014/07/the-strain-season-1-episode-2/

Fighter jet escorts reveal the real story: FINAL – Spanish Air Controller @ Kiev Borispol Airport: Ukraine Military Shot Down Boeing #MH17


Comment: “The numerology on this is beyond bizarre, especially after Christine Lagarde’s recent statements on the magical power of number 7. A 777, flight 17, goes down on 7/17, of 2 (x7) 14, which is 17 years exactly after its first flight on 7.17.97. It is 133 (adds to 7) days since the other 777, 370, went down on 3/7 / 2x(7)14

So do these rebels pay real close attention to IMF speeches, or are they also occultists acting deliberately (not accidentally), or is this just a string of increasingly incredible coincidences?” http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/07/20/wrong-aircraft-identified-as-malaysia-flt-mh-17-fuels-doubts/

Hmm with regard to the apparent lack of blood in the victims’ bodies- “A hallmark of these incidents is the reportedly surgical nature of the mutilation, and unexplained phenomena such as the complete draining of the animal’s blood,” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cattle_mutilation  What happened to them on Diego Garcia?

“7/7 body parts were shipped to Bosnia.  Why?”  David Hawkins.

23 July 2014

SpikeTheNews BlogSpot Says-

MH17 Radar Track Identical to the KAL-007 War Provocation of 1983 and Northwoods Plan 8



UKC 10 November 2014 Inporting Body Parts

UK Column 10 November 2014 – Body parts are being imported to UK from Ukraine for bizarre experiments.

UKC 10 November 2014 RTI Dealing in Body Parts from Ukraine

UK Column 19 November 2014 – The company RTI is dealing in Body parts?

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