Lincolnshire County Council Enabled A Forced Adoption Of Two Much Loved Boys

Lewis Freeman and Ryan Freeman STOLEN for Forced Adoption by Lincolnshire County Council in 2012

LCC Forced Adoption

LCC Forced Adoption.  Lewis’s and Ryan’s Mother.

Judge Rogers of Lincoln County Court aided and abetted the snatch.

The mother has not seen her boys since.

This woman said she was gagged by authorities and prevented from telling her story and prevented from asking for help in order to avoid being separated from her children.  This lady made the mistake of asking SS for help.  Her younger son had autistic tendencies and she failed to understand this.  All she needed to proceed was for a proper diagnosis from a professional and coping strategies.  That one mistake cost her her two boys.

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1 Response to Lincolnshire County Council Enabled A Forced Adoption Of Two Much Loved Boys

  1. Samantha says:

    I asked Wigan council for help with my 4 children and then they had me in court and took my children. My eldest has been statemented since being taken through his behaviour. I am expecting a little girl in November and already they have pounced on me. I am leaving the UK or as I put it we have no choice we have been driven out of the country by social services and the corruption in the family courts…

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