The David Cameron Guide To Shuffling Cards And Stacking The Deck


Prime Minister Cameron – “Busy doing nothing – working the whole day through”.

So Cameron finally shuffled his cards or are we talking shuffle of the soft shoe kind?  CamoDadDancer?  Erm …. If it’s cards then he only waited until all the big poker players had left the table with their winnings didn’t he – HMRC finally admit that Tax Evaders owe them £22 Bill.  Theresa May can’t find a tame judge willing to deal with the Parliamentary Paedos.  The Electorate wants action on SO MANY ISSUES.  Step forward CamoPuppet.  and just who is pulling his strings this time?  Samantha?  CamoPuppet has been ‘busy doing nothing’ since 2010.  Heck Ramesh Patel called him for obfuscating in 2012.

Ramesh Patel

24 October 2012

Finally! Exposed! The Deficit Myth! So, David Cameron When Are You Going to Apologise?

So there’s finally been some CamoAction has there?  LabourLeft said that the reshuffle reads ‘like a horror story’.  Oh come off the grass LL.  The vessel ‘UK Liberty’ sailed into the doldrums in 2010 and has been there without a puff of wind ever since.  Captain CamoHawkins had intended to sell its cargo of slaves in the lucrative GlobalMart – you remember.  So having been becalmed for almost 5 years LL you thought the ship could finally get under way.  It was just a sail flap LL. There is STILL no breeze.  Blood ‘running down the steps of Downing Street’?  David Cameron suddenly becomes that ‘furious fighting’ action figure reminiscent of those heroes conjured by comic books which were read under the tree in the garden during our long lost childhood summers?  The problem with all this is that it is just more fantasy same as the comics.  Cameron has proved over the last four and a half years that he is anything but an action hero.  In fact he has filp flopped his way through every major decision tossed his way since taking office.  Gid has his hand up CamoPuppet’s backside 99 percent of the time and CamoPuppet wouldn’t even take an evening stroll in his own garden without Gid’s say-so.  Rant Rant Rant ….

Oh hello NLAT didn’t see you there.  Lurking behind the Willow Tree again eh?  What’s that you’ve got?  Moroccan Mint Tea?  Whoa.  Love some thanks.  AWOL?  Never.  Well, what’s your latest?  “Michael Gove kicked out of Education, becomes Chief Whip in the Commons.”

No kidding?  Lawks-a-Mercy!  Well, NLAT you sure had your ear to the rail tracks on that one.  Wouldn’t have dreamt it in a million winks.  GoveWatch is relieved but suspicious and cautious and wonders whether those letters to Con MP Harrington, OFSTED etc had some effect after all.

GR Comment:  “These posh kids don’t do sentiment, do they? It must have been like this at Eton when it was time to choose the milk monitors. Brutal.”

GR Comment: “The Coalition no longer has anything much to do in this final session of parliament and no more “controversial” legislation to inflict on the country. This reshuffle seems to have absolutely nothing to do with government and everything to do with creating a better image ahead of the next election.

It also feels like panic.”

GR Comment:  “Final nail in Dave’s political coffin – Gove’s relentless drive to become Tory leader will now engage warp speed.”

GR Comment: “Looking back over the last 40 years or so, it seems that the post of Education Secretary in Tory governments has been reserved solely for mad zealots (Thatcher, Joseph), supercilious nincompoops (Baker, Clarke, Shephard) or deeply unpleasant blinkered ideologues (Patten, Gove). An honourable exception was John MacGregor, but he didn’t last very long.

Even in such august company, Gove was (the joy of using the past tense!) by some distance the most divisive, destructive and obnoxious holder of the post. The pleasure felt by teachers across the country this morning will be unbounded.”

GR Comment:  “Gove to become Reichsmarshall of Kramatorsk? Sounds like a perfect post for the man!”

GR Comment:  “Michael, this hurts me more than it hurts you. You’ve let me down, you’ve let the school down, but above all you’ve let yourself down”

GR Comment: “You can’t excuse Gove if his policies have had unintended consequences (a recurring theme which should be the epitaph for this government). He should draft the legislation far more carefully.

Relying on ethics in this day an age is sadly well out of date. As an example there is currently a scandal in Chester where I live where Governors of a free school are defending the awarding of contracts to the tune of £100K to two consulting firms they are associated with.

This is out of a £220K start up grant which is itself another sick joke as there is money flowing out of central government into free schools like this all over the country.

We are supposed to have no money left but there is plenty of it for Gove’s ideological crusade that would be better spent on state provision.

In the meantime West Cheshire sixth form college is set to close after having had millions spent on it because all the schools that are now Academies have decided they are going to have a sixth form so there is too much provision in the area. This is a direct consequence of no local authority planning of school places so literally millions of pounds of taxpayers money has gone to waste yet we are giving grants left right and centre to duplicate what provision was already there.

Problems like that are not down to poor ethics but bad policy!

So all in all his “reforms” allow for corruption and also result in millions of pounds wasted even without corrupt governors.

He has been a total disaster for education in this country.”

NLAT has now set this evening’s homework question.

“Michael Gove will “go down in the history books as one of the greatest education secretaries this country has ever had”. Discuss.”


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