NHS 66th Birthday Update – Unison’s Got A Cake

5 Easy Steps at BuzzFeed.

Step 1 – “Check with NHS patients and staff that you have the correct ingredients and involve them from the start – they’re not just a decorative cherry on the top once the cake is baked.”

Step 2 – “Stir in funding, investment, safe staffing levels and well-motivated and properly rewarded staff. Do not beat the mixture as this will lead to low morale, deflation and will turn the cake sour! Fold the mixture with a patient-staff-partnership spoon so the ingredients are well integrated and bound together in a workable consistency.”

Step 3 – “Fold in a large dose of supported learning and skills development so that the cake is of the highest quality, as well as a good pinch of occupational therapy to ensure patients can be safely discharged from hospital.”

Step 4 – “Place the cake in the oven and make sure you close the door firmly to ensure that profits and private providers do not make it all go flat.”

Step 5 – “With adequate funding the cake will be well risen and keep for years to come. Serve as needed with a dollop of social care and other world-class public services.

A cake Mary Berry would be proud of.”

Check the link for more news – https://twitter.com/

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