Langleybury School Would Be Ideal Site For New Watford Secondary School

Much recent discussion in Watford revolves around the shortage of school places especially in the primary sector though as was pointed out, this will transfer to the secondary sector in a few years time as the student population matures.  So far, the crisis has been haphazardly addressed by adding a couple of Gove vanity project  ‘free schools’ to the mix on not particularly well suited sites eg the Lanchester Free School on busy Hempstead Road, or by enlarging existing primaries to breaking point with a combination of increased class sizes and the siting of portacabins where playground space permits.  No joined up writing in Hertfordshire folks.  No forward planning.  Mayor Thornhill’s unchecked high-rise housing expansion over the last ten years has left the necessary infrastructure struggling to catch up.  Some interesting background to the Landchester decision.  Someone called “Harris” involved in the project, oversaw school closures.  The real question is why choose this site as it is not really suitable for primary but more for secondary.

Labour’s Andy Burnham declares war on free schools

Free Schools will only house 60 students in each.

Conservative Herts County Council failed to see the writing on the wall and went through a selling frenzy a few years ago disposing of several prime school sites to developers.  Oh Dear….  One of these was Langleybury School just two miles from Watford.  Now there’s a thought.  Wonder what this site is being used for at present?  Hmmm it appears to be languishing empty and seems to be managed at the moment by a erm Grove Hotel?  The last serious action it saw was in 2009 as a film set.  Surely this is a huge waste of resources when a viable school is languishing as a ‘land bank’.  Even more questionable when Farm Terrace Allotmenteers are told to hand over the last few vestiges of green lung in West Watford for ‘development’.

Property Reference & Description : 101005500151 – OFFICES AND PREMISES
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