1 Percent Rise In Some Salaries But a 6 Percent Rise in Cost Of Living

Fixed Rate Mortgages Popular UKC 25 Mar 14

Fixed Rate Mortgages Popular – UKC 25 March 2014.

Quite frankly Camerclot and Giddyot are lying about pretty much everything to do with the economy at the moment.  Mike Robinson, an X Hedge Funder and a half decent statistition, has been finding out what the real financial position in the UK is.  Yesterday’s UK Column News 25 March 2014 is so full of important facts, it’s a must see.

He did say that a lot of home buyers are opting for fixed rate mortgages just now which shows they expect an

Graph Inflation UKC 25 Mar 14

Graph Inflation UKC News 25 March 2014.

interest rate  hike shortly.  However, he pointed out that there is a 5 year limit on the fixed rate and meanwhile the cost of living is rising quite dramatically while the employment situation is worsening.  He said to be very cautious as the previous housing bubble of 2008 had not been completely rectified either.  He said that there has been a 6 percent increase in the cost of living and a 1 percent wage increase – if any.

GovWatch: Basically there has been a 6 percent increase in the cost of living and a 1 percent wage increase – if any. And that’s not all.  They have failed to tackle offshore tax havens but let HMRC have access to mine and your accounts with the onus on us to try to get the money back if we can.  They have wasted millions on privatising the NHS; various IT fiascos eg Universal Jobsite; etc etc etc  Get rid of ’em.

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