David Cameron Unveils His Vision For 2014 But No-one’s Listening

New Year 2014

New Year 2014

2014 has arrived as some folks’ lives are being ripped apart while others seem to be certainly blessed.  The road we are all travelling seems increasingly difficult to stay on as numerous obstacles have made travel difficult lately.  Large trees blown down by the winds have impeded wheeled vehicles which in turn has caused road and rail chaos while swollen ribbons of water have invaded homes and turned streets to canals.  If that’s not enough sea waters whipped by the winds, have mounted defending walls and prevented some trains from keeping to their schedules.  Is this all truly dreadful or is it just a matter of perception?

‘Large trees blown down’ – well a certain ‘large tree’ sitting up in Watford Council chambers could do with a good ‘blowing over’ actually.  Where’s that 90mph wind when you need it eh?  Messing about on the West Coast of Scotland.  Typical.  Hmmmm

These chaotic situations allow the true leaders and problem solvers to step forward and shine their light onto the situation and work a solution with their skill and care.  (In praise of the rail staff running the trains in and out of Paddington recently for starters.)

If that fails, well a good laugh always helps.  Humorist Robert Benchley sent a cable from Venice:  STREETS FULL OF WATER. PLEASE ADVISE.  http://quoteinvestigator.com/2011/04/20/streets-flooded/

Finally, there are those men and women who actually relish a challenge.  Step forward those wonderful folk from the RNLI.

Oh hello NLAT didn’t see you there.  Me?  Oh just mulling over the whole New Year thing I guess.  You?  Don’t tell me.  Camerclot right?  Look mate he’s not the only stone on the beach.  Think of it like that.  Makes it easier.  I’ve been looking into this whole idea of perception see and …..

Right and ‘The Sheeplic’?  Oh I see.  They did a hatchet job on DC’s New Year Pledge did they?  Too easy for them.  Set them harder stuff next time mate or they’ll get bored and there’ll be a riot at Top Paddock.   Throwing morning rolls and that kind of thing.  You know what I mean.  They’re a snappy lot, they are, and bright with it.  Dangerous combo.  Btw ‘Prime Minister’ is not the only acting DC’s done.  I saw him recently playing Diana Rigg’s driver in

‘The Rising of the Moon’

I believe that Nick Cleggosvitch had a walk on bit part in it as well.  He played one of a troupe of travellers that had set up temporary camp in a fairly conservative English village and who earned their living by providing various entertainments such as conjuring, knife throwing and fortune telling.  I believe his line was We are the only party that can finish the job of economic recovery in 2015.’  Or something like that.  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/clegg-speech-we-saved-uk-from-snoopers-charter-id-cards-and-tax-breaks-for-the-rich-lib-dem-leader-launches-bid-for-2015-election-8824451.html

As for DC, A waxy performance, moon waxing and waning, Cameron’s apparent ‘waxy’ appearance….. Funny he should be playing a ‘driver’ as it’s a similar sort of thing to PM in a way – and ‘driving’ The Sheeplic to distraction with his clunky oral delivery so that they long for the jaws of the wolf just to enliven the performance ….. Erm I digress ….

NLAT’s link – http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2532042/DAILY-MAIL-COMMENT-Let-year-David-Cameron-Tory.html

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