Gove Gobs His Way Through HS2 And Planning Nightmares With His Visions Of Glorious Grandeur

Meanwhile his Conservative fanbase is hemorrhaging.

Comment:  ‘Unbelievable that Mr Gove should list such magnificent buildings as an example of the affordable housing ocean that is intended.’

Comment:  ‘Not only are we NIMBYs, fruitcakes, enemies, but now we are “swivel-eyed loons”‘

Comment:  ‘Yes I am a NIMBY in the eyes of Mr Gove, because I want the £32 billion and rising cost of the proposed HS2 just to link two cities together to be spent of the priorities that stare everyone else in the face except our Education Minister it seems. Build houses by all means but at least look after our current infrastructure now before further and more evident decline rapidly develops.’

Comment:  ‘Can someone tell me where Gove lives as I want to develop blocks of flats to house up to 5000 people’

Comment:  ‘Three months ago I thought Gove was pretty good – the only good egg in a rotten box. He’s managed to change my mind pretty quickly.’

Comment:  ‘How dare you, Mr. Gove compare Places like Chatsworth or Salisbury Cathedral to the eyesores you are allowing to be built all over England.’

Comment:  ‘Up until this I had some respect for Gove …. an honest guy in a sea of  despair! Finished …. the party that I supported for much of my working life has cut itself off from reality’

Comment:  ‘as someone who has the right to oppose the destruction of the green wedge where I live.

Ingleby Barwick in Stockton on Tees is the largest housing estate in Europe, there is already thousands of houses there, but  Gove wants to destroy the only bit of green wedge that left around the estate in order to get his way over a Free School.

The government have done a deal with a developer to build 350 houses with a further 750 to be built later,  in exchange for some land to build a Free School.  A total of  1000 house !!!!!!

There is one secondary school on the estate and the overflow of pupils go to two of the best schools in the county, they get bused there and back every day, they don’t even need to get themselves to school,  but that isn’t good enough for some parents they want a Free School and they don’t care what it costs to get it.’  GovWatch – the most telling comment of all.  Wilfully destroying communities for no real reason other than ‘social engineering’.

Schrank Independent

Schrank Independent – found by NLAT.

Star Comment:  ‘Having read the words ‘Michael Gove’ and ‘Countryside’ I am instantly reminded of Stephen Fry who said
Q. “What’s the definition of ‘countryside?'”
A. “If homicide means the murder of a man, than countryside is the murder of Piers Morgan.”

Oh and the fact he said it on ‘I’m sorry I haven’t a clue’  links back beautifully to Gove…..’

Thanks to NLAT for spotting it.

One of ‘The Flock‘ from a more exclusive paddock up the road looked in and tabled this for consideration:  ‘I think we are against downward social mobility, fishgutters boy.’ Yeoch.

This sheep has done his homework:  ‘Gove is using Machiavelli’s The Prince to squirm his way into the Tory leadership. While charming on TV he has a couple of spin doctors doing his dirty work for him on Twitter.’

Torygraph Blog Comment on Conservative Party survival – ‘Those remaining should all fit nicely into a telephone box.’

This entry was posted in Academies - Education Privatisation, Bloggers Having Their Say, Bullingdon Bureaucrats, E-ACT and 35 'Flagship' Academies, Economy Train Wreck, Election 2015, Garrulous Gove, Getting Away From it All, How to Identify Tories, Independent Media, Men of Non-Business, Money Matters, NLAT, Privatisation, Railsters, Spin Spin Spin, The 'Quisling Plan For Change', The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Truth Movement, TwitterNews, Unelected UK Power Base, Various Suspicious Operations, Watford Coalition of Resistance, Zionists and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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