Bilderberg Is Re-Naming Itself To ‘Googleberg’

Bilderberg is last years news folks.  The real action is to be found at The Grove event Google Zeitgeist and a thing called TED. 

Google Zeitgeist The Grove

Monday 13 May 2013 ->

‘Google is clearly positioning itself to become a force more powerful than governments in controlling and monitoring people’s behavior across the globe through all manner of different means, from cars that drive themselves (and are constantly tracked by a centralized Google database), to Google Glass which is akin to having a Google microchip in your forehead, to Google’s deep involvement in manipulating mass movements through social media as they did in Egypt and Tunisia.


Pic Courtesy –

The Grove Hotel is a perfect staging ground for such machinations given its role in World War 2 as a “secret wartime HQ for the London, Midland & Scottish Railway” named “Project X”.

Gasp!  Those Psychopaths rebranding as ‘touchy feely’ – That’ll be the day!

This entry was posted in Bilderbergers, Bloggers Having Their Say, Cockroaches, David Cameron, Election 2015, Frequencies Resonating, Getting Away From it All, How to Identify Tories, Independent Media, ITEC News, Ken Clarke, Men of Non-Business, Money Matters, Psychopaths, Rebellious Media, The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Truth Movement, Unelected UK Power Base, Watford Coalition of Resistance, Watford Council, What's Happening in Herts and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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