Kent’s New ‘Youth Commissioner Resigns Already!

Ann Barns Kent Police and Crime Commissioner: ‘I’m going to cause an upset in Kent.’  You sure as hell did that Ann.

‘The teenager, appointed to the £15,000-a-year role last week, posted the messages between the ages of 14 and 16 and has apologised for causing offence through what she described as her “use of inappropriate language”.’

Well how would you be?  All those comments about Osborne and Cameron at NLAT’s could come back to haunt some of us.  Lordy Lordy where will it end?  Oh and don’t forget that Bethan Tichbone was found guilty of insulting Cameron while protesting against cuts to disability benefits.  We’re moving rapidly towards that Orwellian nightmare.

Miss Brown reports to Ann Barnes, 67, who was elected to the £85,000 role of Kent Police and Crime Commissioner last year.’  The real story is how this new ‘elected Police Commissioner’ has undermined the credibility of the Police Force and how this is what the ConDem Gov fully intends

Ann Barnes with Paris Brown

Ann Barnes with Paris Brown Pic Courtesy DM.

Now ask ‘Who is Ann Barnes?  Oh she was a teacher before becoming Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent.  And just how long did Mrs Barnes spend in the police force?  Oh I see.

How was the recruitment process carried out?  Why was the selection process so inept?  No wonder good grads are tearing their hair out when they are passed over in this manner.

Hullo Kitty MKd Someone should have had a word about the ‘Hullo Kitty’ pose.  That stuff is completely suspect and girls should be told not to touch it with a bargepole.  Just Google it.

Well Ms Brown.  Go back to school.  Take some A Levels.  Go to Uni and take English Language with Linguistics and add in some Economics and Politics and then try again I guess.  Take a leaf out of Esther McVey’s career portfolio – she made it.

What worries some about this saga.

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