The spiral staircases is a symbolism of the DNA


McAllister TV
21 October 2018

judith lacks
study the fibonacci sequence (a numerical sequence found in nature 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21 (add the last 2 numbers for the next number.)Nautilus and spirals are very indicitive of this series of numbers.

Perhaps the spiral represents the shell of the chambered Nautilus? The shell has Golden proportions and is a logarithmic spiral. On the other hand it might represent frequencies (sound) and the mechanics of the inner ear (Cochlea).

Wendy Rosson  (edited)
Freemasons are and were the historical builders. The Cananite builders all the way back to the mystic religions of old, since the Tower of Babel. One of their most important agendas was to control people by hiding all the knowledge for themselves of course all the money. Knowledge is power. Look at us today held down, stupified, and given the crumbs, well we have to work hard for the crumbs.
You are so right they are known to kill others for pattens. They steal and stymie certain pattens.  The huge GRAND buildings for them, second grade building material and smallest up to code building sizes as possible for the rest of us deplorables.

Cuttingthrutlefog  (edited)
I was really missing your videos….yay, you’re back! THE SPIRAL represents the GOLDEN SECTION, or the Golden Mean…a principle of fractal design using a ratio of 1.618 to 1. BTW- Brian Foerster just reported on the DNA analysis of the Paracas skulls. They had a small amount of Indian, but the majority of the DNA haplogroups came from near the Black Sea…so they made it all the way to South America.

Leslie Hudson
Please go to look at the work of youtuber… central intelligence agency and also chatzefratz same person and he has another one as well if you want alot of dots connected.  He is in Europe he is from South Africa moved to Switzerland He is a must.

Read Romans 10: 9-14
Much of the New Testament has a mirror witness in the First Covenant and when you study the Hebrew and look at some of the Paleo Hebrew the Bible unfolds on even deeper levels of understanding.
Our Father promised “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. “ (Psalm 12:6-7, KJV)

Carrie Eloff
Knowing these people and their sick obsessions, I’m guessing that ALL spirals represent the butthole….However, i think spiral staircases represent the kundalini and are used heavily in mk ultra according to survivor testimonies.

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