Lack Of Transparency On The Part Of UK Policy Makers

6 August 2014

‘Safe spaces’, ‘lurid headlines’ and ‘high-risk families’

“One might conclude that either the DCLG is being disingenuous in its response to the ICO or it genuinely doesn’t know what it’s doing, or, more specifically what it’s officials are talking about. It’s difficult to know which one to plump for. One thing appears fairly certain, though. The people involved do not want to submit themselves to any kind of scrutiny or external examination. They are more than happy to tour the country providing incomplete and partial information to local authorities and partners and tasty titbits to tabloid newspapers when it suits their purposes. But they don’t like it, as this and previous FOI requests have proven, when someone with a slightly critical approach asks for background information on or the rationale for policy developments and public statements. One can only wonder why that may be…..”

About:  “This blog supports an ESRC funded PhD exploring the recontextualisation and operationalisation of the Troubled Families Programme. Essentially, I’m interested in looking at how the key workers (or ‘troubleshooters’ as David Cameron has called them) are enacting the troubled families agenda and if/how they are negotiating it and/or resisting it. I’m also interested in how families are reacting to the involvement of the key worker.”

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